Romy Stephens, June 2023, Artists record closure of the Hunter Valley's Liddell Power Station. ABC online, news and radio.
Patrick Morrison, October 2021, Must we believe the words that killed them?, 1727 Pieter for Adriaan
Sam Bowker, Artlink, Wagga Wagga art Gallery, 2021, Hardenvale: Our Home in Absurdia
Rebecca Blake, Art Monthly Australasia, Wagga Wagga Art Gallery, 2021, Transcendence of the benign: ‘Hardenvale’,
Lorraine Kypiotis and Gabriella Beaumont, November 2019 - January 2020, Letters to Theo
Aaron Dries, Charles Croucher and Todd Fuller, A place not like home, November 2019, God’s Country
Niomi Sands, March 2019, courtesy of the Glasshouse Regional Gallery, From Somewhere
Garry Wotherspoon, December 2018, Convicts and Queens
Daniel Mudie-Cunningham, December 2017, Like Electricity
Megan Fizell, July 2018, Scentual Encounters
Maryanne Jaque, Western Advocate, October 2017, Our Gaze Turns to Gallery
Laura Van Umm, Western Advocate, June 2017, Drawing on Greats Who Went Before
Tracey Clement, Art Guide, March 2017, Fourteen
Jacqui Taffel, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 March 2017, The Elliot Collection Goes Public
Megan Fitzell, RealTime PROFILER 9, 25 March 2015, Dance & drawing: ways of seeing trace Megan Fizell: interview with Todd Fuller
Sarah Vandepeer, Art Dance, October 15, 2014, Artist Profile: flatline